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Friday MAY 23
I still with light temperature - called Holly up & declined invitation to dinner, then accepted again.  Started painting of Xmas tree ornaments & match box on patchwork.  Arthur and I there to dinner Holly gave me some sleeping pills which made me sleep till late.

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Saturday - MAY 24
Arthur and Hank off at 6 A.M. in Hanks boat for Westport.  Sound terribly rough & foggy so in at Pratt Islands  Mr. P. very nice, gave them breakfast etc.  Arthur telephoned Bill who came there - a truck took boat on to Westport.  Bill took Arthur & Hank to Ferry.  They back on it & taxied from Oyster Bay.  I asleep till late on account of sleeping pill - [[underlined]] glad [[/underlined]] to see him!  I worked on still life.