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162  Rain

Tuesday - JUNE 10
Arthur to N.Y. on 8.11 - I cleaned place.

I started painting on paper called "Feather, Shell, and Shapes"
Arthur home early on 12.55 - Brought magazine "The New Cedelphis" I'd read of this number on D. H. Lawrence, & two Caluire d'Art. I worked more on painting, Arthur likes!  It's more inventive than most of mine.  Stretched a bit.  I read all evening.

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Sunshine  163

Wednesday  JUNE 11
Letter from Mother via Chub.  Arthur worked on lockers most of day.  Holly stopped & gave us record of Strike Up the Band.  I worked more on painting but must vary color in some areas more.  I started out for walk, met Holly and Hank and with them to get plucked Jimmy & Sheepie then down to their house, and back when Hank returned nurse.

I telephoned Kathleen we can't go over this week, they coming here probably Saturday eve.