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292 [[underlined]] Started wine [[/underlined]]
Saturday OCTOBER 18
Arthur worked on frames, had to get them recut.
I washed, cleaned, in A.M.
In afternoon I walked to Huntington - A thrilling and religious looking sky.
Got for Mother's birthday, "When the Turtles Sing" by Don Marquis [[blot out]] for .25[[cent symbol]]. also Samulel Butlers Erewhon for myself, and Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.
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Sunday - OCTOBER 19
Arthur put silver on two wide frames -
In afternoon Chub, Douglas and the Weymouths - aviator people and very nice here -
In evening Holly called up. I read part of Erewhon but don't like it so much as "The Way of All Flesh.