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Monday - JULY 10
Both working all day.  A bringing freight - expressage - Paul here.  Unpacking. Paul here in P.M. & later with food when we were out - Sent post cards to Ma, Davidsons, Chub. Letters from Chub, Kathleen!  At Express Office there were more paintings from Phillips.  "Covered Boats & Trees" & Town Scraper - Brown hound here for supper.

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Tues. JULY 11
I in bed all day, had to be - Letter & check for $5.00 from Ma. Arthur unpacked rest of barrels, boxes all but books.  Climed Cherry Tree got a few.  Put up mail box.  Marketed.  Put up Alfy's bed in bed room, put couch in dining room - Wrote post cards to Ma & Bill which A. forgot to mail - Brown hound here for supper.  In evening Dorothy & Paul here.