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Sunday.  AUGUST 27
Both up early doing things in & out of house.  To the Zebels at 11 A.M.  Saw Kay Zebel's work, some of it very sensitive, some not.  Saw the baby, also Kay Zebel, a swell child.  They insisted we stay to dinner.  They are rare people.  From there to laundry ladys, on way from there were hailed by the Burrells - What a contrast.  Went in, Paul, Dorothy & Ruth Wheat came.  Home & to bed early, after feeding our animals.

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Monday.  AUGUST 28
Arthur & Paul to town - got self starter on truck fixed.  Setter dog bit rooster - 3 hens seemed to have vanished but reappeared.
I wrote to Matilda & sent $100.00 for the three children at home. Also sent post cards to Bill, Edith; Bobby, Matilda & Jimmie.  Got guest room ready.  Arthur, & I to village in P.M. Got signs to put on lots - "Lots & acreage for Sale"
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I got glass lamp - Arthur learned to run tractor - Read about raising mushrooms.  Said in eve. "The gods rain on some, shower on others." Talked of Kay Zebel's work.