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Monday - OCTOBER 16
Arthur up at 5 A.M.  I at 5.30!  Paul & Dorothy here at 7, & all out to Alloway on fishing trip.  Stopped for bait, found delicious watercress.  Arthur caught 2 1/2 lb. bass at once, thought it was the one that escaped the other morning.  A lovely day.  We each made a poor sketch, my first since Geneva - Mr. Nebel in.  Had bass for dinner at 2.  Letter from Dottie Rankin saying she'd be up in 10 days, returning Aunt E. to Ithica.

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Tuesday.  OCTOBER 17
Letter from Mother.  Letter and Peace By the Sea from E.  Arthur and I to town.  I found a good looking leather bag for Mother's birthday, and a hat for me.  Home, an easy and good delicatesan lunch, Paul here, Mr. Burrell says insurance has to be paid.  A talk - The farm loan man here to look over place, he, Arthur & Paul going over it thoroughly.  Mrs. Eddington in with Sept rent.
I wrote to Mother & Dottie, & diary for a while.