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Monday  JANUARY 8  [[hand drawn star]]
Arthur finished "Clothes Line" painting, I worked on self portrait but it wont do.  Both out at noon, met Nebel who was on his way here with photographs.  Profile of Arthur and "Anna May Wong" of me he had had enlarged & several prints of each.  Arthur tried to call him up from Comessos but got no answer.  Both painted in afternoon - Paul here, Tel. Co. wants to reduce rent.
I read Van Gogh book in eve.  A long letter from Dottie R.

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Tuesday - JANUARY 9
A letter from Terry - Arthur wrote him & sent $125.00 - 100 for him, 25.00 Con. lawyers.  I washed hair - Arthur did errands.  In afternoon I to see Katherine Hepburn in "Little Women" - A tearful picture, but she lovely.  I walked half way home - Arthur met me.  Had a talk about Geneva - proper etc.  In evening I wrote notes to Robert - Blacks.