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Wednesday  JANUARY 10
Letters from Duncan Phillips (about writing Mrs Force about Gov. job etc.) and Holly, telling she is definitely seperated from Hank.  Both getting our work places ready.  I moved to their side of front room.  Both out marketing & to Lehigh station to photograph freights but none came along.  In afternoon Mr O'Brian (reporter for Rochester Dem. & Chronicle) here.  Picked out best photos. & read his article, very good.  In eve. I wrote a long letter to Mother.

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Thursday  JANUARY 11  (S)
Arthur stretched canvas', picked out sketches to take to Experiment Station for enlargement.  I up late.  Just as we finished lunch Paul here, saying a Mr Lyman had called from Buffalo & expected Arthur to call back.  Arthur to Tel. Co. & did.  A chance to go to Buffalo to do Murals at 34.00 a week - Or stay home & do "portraits," anything at 34. a week, all to be owned by government - After meeting "approval of Commission." George back.