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Tuesday- MARCH 6
Letters from Elizabeth, Louise Rehm, a card.
Arthur marketed -
George & Eddington loaded hay, & George drove it Bailey.
Paul here more minor difficulties.
I washed, did chores -
Both rather tired.
In afternoon both to Geneva, A for Burnt Sienna & onion skin paper, I to 5&10 & food.

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Wednesday. MARCH 7
Paul here with Russo marking off other lot. Arthur & I talked to him, he will take 50 ft. or none.

Arthur wrote to Stieglitz, sent checks to Jo Bruce, Lincoln Storage, Scnieder- Sent letter to Mr Marceau about exhibiting in Phila. I wrote long letter to Mother. Mailed them all at Lehigh Station.
I bad sinus & to bed.
Paul here, Arthur got their suppers & such a talk!
Nebel here, left, & returned after Arthur was in bed, we both got up. Brought a beautiful Rhoeo discolor.