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Friday, January 4, 1935
2˚ above Z.

Arthur telephoned Station - found stove was there - Got George & collected - set it up - A [[underlined]] grand [[/underlined]] stove, we want only garage stoves in whole house - Had George clean & fill things.  Arthur to 512 signed Telegraph check - Paid Hays, who had called up.

A letter from Stieglitz.  Said Benton had emptied slop pail on him & book.  Chamberlain on Times also jumping.  Arthur answered & mailed it in P.M.  Both to Geneva, too cold

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Saturday, January 5, 1935

I painted, on Self Portrait and Bed Post & Quilt."

Arthur did various things.

A thank you letter from Margaret Cobb.

A copy of "The Art of To Day" came from Pousette Dart.