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Wednesday, September 25, 1935 *
Warm -
Arthur and I to Geneva - he got hair cut - I errands.
 Both to 512 - Mr. Hilquit there planning apts.
 Paul notified bank they would not have figures until Thursday.

[[Arrow in left margin pointing to this line]] Arthur out in P.M.  Did two water colors - one a beauty with [[image of diamond]] shape in it.

[[Arrow in left margin pointing to this line]] I did tempera of oak tree in field from Apt.
 Arthur said perhaps my most modern - all the shapes being considered.

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* Thursday, September 26, 1935
Arthur & Paul to Bank in A.M.  Paul here to dinner, as they had to go over books here.  Both back in afternoon to Bank until 5 P.M.  Signed for $2000.00 in form of note.

[[Arrow in left margin pointing to this line]] I did nice tempera of 2 white holly hocks & side of house - sat out in P.M. till 5.30 - morning, washed, cleaned etc.

Bill started work on Paul's house, took paper off one room. Photographed chair for [[man?]].