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x Phillips data -
[[preprinted]] Monday, June 8, 1936 [[/preprinted]]
Letter from Miss Bier. A check for 75.00, starting on this year's payment of $1,150.00. Mr. Phillips lies down there, from which to choose 3 oils, (also 4 water colors) "Cows in Pasture," "Tree Forms," "Windy Day," & "Cow." He sill owes us $100.00 on last years.
A big box from Dottie - containing "Man the Unknown" by Alexis Carrell, a black winter coat for me, cigarettes & soap!
Also letter from Nell Chouteau, she bought black cow water color.
Paul here about answering Mont. Ward
A & I to town. Made apt with Harman for 17.

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, June 9, 1936 [[/preprinted]]
Letter from Stieglitz - check for $425.00 - Both to Bank - other errands.
[[image-arrow pointing down and to right]] Arthur made water color of young sheep.
I put away winter things - worked on our room.
To Mrs. Graneys bought some flowers, planted them.
Wrote to Dottie.
Arthur read "Man the Unknown" most of day, I most of night.
Telegram from the Baermanns be here Wed. afternoon.
Arthur wrote most of a reply to Phillips letter.