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** Josephy
Monday, August 3, 1936
68 to 108° in sun.
Josephy telegraphed he was most anxious to see some sketches.
Arthur all morning in Geneva - had pants made to fit, got basket of fruit - took it to Mr. OB. to find he'd left this morning -
In afternoon Arthur did 2 sketches of girl floating-man.
I worked most of day on A's coat - undid yesterdays - good now.

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Tuesday, August 4, 1936
I dyed A's white pants with ink spot there upon. They came out a good black.
Arthur did an illustration of girls & boat that we decided would not do.
Also one of Galathea - no good -
De Forest here with "just his luck" when A told him Rochester man said Bike was probably only worth $5.00.