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Tuesday, May 2, 1939

Marian Here.  2 water colors.  Mounted 3 - Reds & Corabelle to Huntington.  Dr. Bernstein here - Ordered wheel chair Sears 12.58.  Dr. B. says to lay off chocolate.  Cheek swollen.  Arranged for 12 or 10 hour schedule.  Fine shad for lunch.
Answered R.S.V.P. Mod museum [[ hand drawn arrow pointing right, toward next page]]

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N.  Wednesday, May 3, 1939  [[image: hand-drawn star]]
Cold G

Brooksies here on way to N. Y. Worlds Fair etc.  Water colors. Hillside  Idea. Letting one shape dominate.  Flowers on table.
Wrote for air pistol catalogs.  Schneider for O[[?]] of Chromium
The Archie P[[?]] here with some oranges 9 P.M.