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Saturday, June 3, 1939

Calm, Cool.  Fair.  74˚
Dr. B here.  B.P. 134  "Perfect."  Took first ride in car. 
C drove me to beach. to N Hale rock to Nyacoma[[?]]  home.  R's urine negative.  Cs Bp 108/68  Played c/[[?]] Mr Curon[[?]]  98 lost[[?]] on Eng. Sub.  Temp down to 58˚ in PM.  tht ab 2 d[[?]]'l  wk.

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Sunday, June 4, 1939

Cool.  raining  calm. 
On porch in AM. fixed up oil box, brushes etc.  Dorothy & Walker Lister here.  Bill & M. for Coca Cola.