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Hum 50  Wednesday, June 21, 1939

Mild  Fair  NE breeze
Specimen today  Water color out [[?]] at 6:15.  slight
To hospital with Spec.  Carson[[?]] took C's car horse.  post c from Brooksie.  Santa Fe.  Out in sun  Cath. trims lawn.  Marian here Bill in NY  Cards in eve [[shorthand]]  Letter in short hand to the Kaads.

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Thursday, June 22, 1939

Fair  NE  Cool
Red to Dentist. (Teeth cleaned)  C & I to McC Brown's dock.  1 water color - to Hunt.  Met Marian  C. took us to Glenn's Inn for steak sandwiche.  Fine.  Cards [[28?]]
Letter from Mother
  "      "   Louise R.

Transcription Notes:
A lot of shorthand is used in these pages!