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Monday, September 11, 1939
Fair   Fine day   NE
to Hunt. Shopping for a C sewing machine. Saw Mr. Culting. Stopped at Cobbs saw Jimmie
Nellie in NY looking for arriving war reunion
Eyes bad.

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Tuesday, September 12, 1939
56°  30:17 [[up arrow]] 65% 11:00
Fair  Cool tonight  Calm
Corabelle goes to dentist 1:30 PM.
With C to Parkway.
W.C. at Cold Spring.
Met Herbert Banler-
Sent Schneider ck for brushes & my bill for WC blocks & WC paints.
Bob fixed stove.
Keeds came.
Bob told about Rip Van W Film. R called Mary about bed. Hosp wants ours. Ck fm Stieglitz from Brooksies $15