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Wednesday, October 25, 1939
37°   32:50    53%
showers today tonight rain
Painted undercoat in tempera on small [[image: hand-drawn rectangle with figure sketched]]one.  R to Hunt to dep ck. & Mk T. [[underline]]with Johnsie [[underline]]
Letter frm Stieglitz with ck signed
JB here - & going to speak to Kim [[illegible?]] about glasses. Lenses too large. R to speak to Gallo. b.p. same 160
Doing nicely.

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[[start page]]

Thursday, October 26, 1939
56°   30:11     94%
9:50 AM
Foggy rain in night & now drizzle.
R called
Mrs. B for [[copy?]] adv. things.
Pd Lincoln Warehouse. 12.00 Pd. [[strikethrough]] Feg [[/strikethrough]] Andie & [[Sparsle?]] 4.20 & returned Cad. Or. Ordered Pozzredi Red. Broke for lunch!!
Mr. Moran here. Insured house 2000 contents 200 $13. for 3 years.
1 WC. out of window