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January 16 Tuesday
25˚   29.85   41%

Clear 30˚high  NW.  Tonight clear & colder.  [[shorthand notation]]  Worked over Mars V. Landscape.  [[shorthand notation]] n.y. today.  Sears sent card about dress top. Finished game over the above  painted 2 small wax crayon drawings. 

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January 17 Wednesday
12˚   29:88   59%

Light snows  20˚ high  [[shorthand notations]]  Washed out Mars V. etc. with gas.  Laid it in, Temp. 1 egg / 1/3 oil 2/3 Var / 1 wax emulsh.  Ined[[?]] small formed thing.  White there color to black - Cards in P.M.  JB here  Mrs B came in to get warm.  Going down to 5˚ tonight?  C. goes to Duck Island tonight  bp 148 pump a little fast  Did a lot of work. etc.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art