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6˚ Carlant
10˚  1012 mb 29 89"  47%

Wkd on 2 Siennas & Green with wax in turps & reg. oil colors in tubes of color riches[[?]].  C here for lunch.  Got Scotch and Gin fm Ms.  JB here bpm 140's   I can have sherry or any thing that will not affect kidneys.  No beer nor ginger ale.  Dorothy here for Supper & L.

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13˚ C
Mrs Paul L. Hart
816 87th St.
Niagra Falls, NY
Cont cold.  Am to go riding with C - Did  Mary Geo. & Scoop here when we came back.  C came in & all hands made merry.  C & R to movies in Northport.  To see Thin Man.  C. took me to Duck Island  Ingersoll estate.  Finished 2 Siennas & Green.  Up early & took bath.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art