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JANUARY 22 MONDAY [[1940]]
17˚ ^[[19]]  1013  29:94"  66%

Pyramid came from Schneider
Wkd on Coating Canvases with Pyramid coating
Did Call [[Framing?]]  2 30 Sat Geo.
Put Pyramid on piece of new canvas then backed to wall board also on wall board.
Painted out part of Mars Violet & landscape with Pyramid.  It was in wax tempera. Put on second coat in PM.
Up before R & took bath.
JB here b.p. 148
Be careful to maintain [[underlined]] reserve [[/underlined]]
"Never looked better."
Postal of Wood Ibis from Mother.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

21˚^[[19]] 1025  30:29  65%

Cloudy. [[wind  no winds ?]] Snow on Thurs. 
Drew in end of Harbor - 
" [[ditto for Drew]] Animal Crackers.  C here -
Meyersberg here with Turps bottle droppers & nose drops - Filled large & fine pen with [[Higgins?]] diluted with 1/2 dist. water with 4 drops of 10% Ammonia to the oz. -
Postal from Marian. Want to come Sunday or 2 weeks from then with Shiela & Archer - To try now to work out each area in all directions all the way.
  Cornell University writes me to exhibit 2 paintings.  Sent letter to Stieglitz. 

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art [Bless your heart!-janer]