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27˚ ^[[25]]  1009  2997  51%

Snow  high 30˚  no winds. 
Started Animal Crackers.  Pd Capt $1 on Gurage.  Made walet of Animal Crack in form.  J.B. here in P.M.  bp. 148  Brought Mrs B to show us her house plans.  C toots on way to work at 7:45.  Talking of making furnace & bathroom of front porch. 

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22˚ ^[[22]]  1015, 2997  58%

Meyersberg here with Ammonia.  Standard is 28%  Mine was 10%  Sears sent more word about R's blouse.  Wkd on forms in connection with Animal Crackers.  Meyersberg says Hiler's formula for wax medium is saponified but not emulsified. 

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art