Viewing page 50 of 195

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30 33  29 93^  60%  hiC cloud.  li sno

Restretched canvas.
Wrote Paul  Wrote 
Braxton  ord new frame 
20x30+1/8"  Cath here & 
helped us.  C called in P.M.  
J.B. here little up  O.K.  take
it easy  paint  [[shorthand notation]]  
Cath washed water color glass.  Wrote on Typewriter.  Cleaned it.  
Cath says Swans "must be 
slippin'" because they 
look so dirty today - 
R. Wood here brot oysters 
will take in paintings -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

24˚  30.20^

Worked on frames & water colors.  All in frames  Cath here - Dorothy telephoned.  
Typed things, lists & foreword  Letter to Stieglitz  seat lists etc.  
Worked putting in Water Colors  
Cath here in P.M. & for lunch - Walked out.  Johnny here.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art