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30.02 SH 10.18
63ยบ S 12 mph - 20 mi viz 80% mod S.E. + S.
J.B. here bp 136 p good. Bill Don here & put boat over Fence bills fm Sears. Sent them letter about summer cat. prices. Billy B here cutting grass etc.
Duck on nest in yard 11 eggs.
Black bird nest-
C here for breakfast at 5 PM. Peaches + apples on tree. Cleared yard.
C pd $28 on what she owed "Leaving 39.55" Think I agreed to give her some of that if Geneva sale went thro?
Walter catches bass Freddie 19
Billy & Cap B planted [[double underline]]Willow Tree-[[/double underline]]

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Gray day.
Sunny late. 2 W.C.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art