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58˚  30:31^  6.38  74%

NE winds 14 mph  V 4 mi  Klw, hi 68
K here  To Bobs for Operator blank & to Hunt in P.M for license.  Told JB not to come as they are moving.  16x9 in H's mediums ^[[1st batch old oil of sp.]]  Photos fm Mother this AM.  Storm warning from Cape Hatt to Sandy H.  Mr Byers to come tonight.  Did not come. 

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51˚  NE. 14 mph  V 7  30.04[[inverted caret]]  7:26  66%

Storm warning NE - N.E. gales off shore  hi 55  Clearg a cool [[shorthand notation]]  
JB here  Pd him to date  20.00  K here  moved kitchen cabinet  Made more Hs wax Em.  bp 132  p ok - Choc pie will out.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art