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29.81^ 1.18. 61° V 5m 78% 70 hi li shws this pm
bad night took Sedative
JB in NY came back 1 PM + is coming to-night to give hypo - Digitalis
JB here at 6 + gave hypoe - Had a little cereal + at midnight threw 'er up! an up!! and " [[ditto marks down page]]
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29.99^ 2.18 51° N 18 mph V  mi 78% 
+ up!
J.B. here no food just ice
Mixed up the 300 cc of w.e. put in some turps
JB to come to night for hyp-
didn't come and I slept OK sans hyp -

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art