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30.05v 12.22 pm 53° SW 9 mph V 4 mi 70% much colder Wed.
Letters from Paul + Belly
" [[ditto for Letters from]] Stieglitz - Sick again K here -
Keeds here C + J here - Mr. Mueller came to take us to Polls stranger " " " " " " [[ditto for came to take us to Polls]]
[[written over printed date: ELECTION]]
Last small hypo-?
Bill brought some of his cards + 1 Klee book
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
29.7 50 w 55% Klwd + Kld hi 52°
Wrote [[underline]] St. + Paul + Bettie [[/underline]]
JB said best yet.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art