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[[mark next to printed calendar, Feb 1 1941]] Pd JCB ck 423 18-

[[printed]]MONDAY--3rd[[/printed]] 26 [[degree symbol]] 30.05 63%
ptl klw, K. here - Ida home wi baby - R not so well sli kol
Wkd on M.V. pump fine -

[[printed]]TUESDAY--4th[[/printed]]23 [[degree symbol]] 29 99 61%
Kle fr NW winds ptl klw, tmo kle + kol. Wkd on M.V. K here redid bath room + cabinet - HAIRCUT - Scissors sharpened. 2.30 Plane crashed on hill + killed flier testing plane

[[printed]]WEDNESDAY--5th[[/printed]] 20[[degree symbol]] NW 15 V5 30.01 2.04 77%
S 703 M 11 51 Scat klw 35 hi trij ptl klw, 2 hrs hi C klw + warm
Nice sunshine day.
[[circled]] OIL[[/circled]] 35 gal Covered canvas on M.V. Called the Rehms
Card fm Keeds. Letter fm Mary
JB drained R's sinus.

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt