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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[printed]]MONDAY--10th[[/printed]] 12 [[degree symbol]] 52%
K here wkd on Cow at play
Made larger tube Cadmium Yel.
Poured off ammonia + put oil of Spike on wax [[?]] 6 10.

[[printed]]TUESDAY--11th[[/printed]] 22 [[degree symbol]] 7.03 81%
W 12 ple S 656 M5.24 ptl klw, mod SW to W. Kle all day wkd until 5 PM. on Cow at Play. Still skating; K not so well slept in P.M. Wkd too hard Monday.

[[printed]]WEDNESDAY--12th[[/printed]] 28 [[degree symbol]] here 9:30
Fair sprg hazy
JB + Julia here. Saw paintings (OIL)
Finished "Cow at Play"

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

30 [[degree symbol]] here
T to Hunt K here -
Letter from Braxton
Ordered frames " Sent 10 on a/c
K here -

38 [[degree symbol]] 29.92 85% [[printed]] 14th--FRIDAY[[/printed]]
Klw, w rain [[ran trij?]] clearing tmo 
Dorothy here Wkd on Frosty Night washed it out

40 [[degree symbol]] WNW 20 V7 29.66^ 10.06 83% [[printed]]15th--SATURDAY[[/printed]]
s 651 M 10.04 [[tnis?]] 45 hi klig + kol thro PM - sm. craft warnings Wkd on Frosty Night washed it out -
Got going on Frosty Night Heard Benny Goodman Rabbit Hunt.? [[printed]] 16th--SUNDAY[[/printed]]

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt