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25[[degree symbol]] SW 5 V 7 mi 21.56 53%
[[printed]]MONDAY--17th[[/printed]] Mc Klw - tmp Kol.
Tues li rain + sno flrs at ni.
Finished Frosty Moon -
K Here JB here in PM.
Doing Children - Card from Marian.

25[[degree symbol]] 29:42^ 59%
Sno flurries - srong NW - Klw, + Kol tni - Meyer book from Bill K here. Worries about my "cheating" at cards.

19[[degree symbol]] 29.95
Sunshine ck to Fezandil 1.25
Mostly read Meyer book

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

21[[degree symbol]] 29 86 44%
Wh l klw. tni klw + cont. kol. 
Did - 10x12 Moon Rise.
JB said I was swell -
Eyes both red. K here

25[[degree symbol]] 29.80v 50%
6~6 [[printed]]21st--FRIDAY[[/printed]]
JB here P.O.K. K here
sketched some canvasses
Read Mayer - R wrote Julia Congrats

27. 29.86^ Night 29.75
P.O.K Julia here. Started greenich R. Yel MarsV Mt. JB here

29 88^ 6~6 [[printed]]23rd--SUNDAY[[/printed]] 30 00^ at 9:30

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt