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56°   30:14^   61%
[[Monday 29]]
22 mi  NW. winds din in 2g
Send to Handy Dan for Super fix [[caulking?? Capt. Bly??]] [[^insert]]+ Ivanhoe[[/insert]]
WOR.  Dorothy here + to Rene's for
lunch.  JB here said P.O.K

48°  30.38^    73%
[[Tuesday 30]]
NE 4mph. V 4 mi Inc Klw.-
70 hi  tni klw, li rains in
ni.                     XX

Having Naples Yel trouble in

66°   29.94-  90%
[[Wednesday 1]]
W 24 mph.  V3  li Skat Shws
fr 2 NW winds  W tni + Nuirs.
R Mother Mary + Marion C to
Herbist's for lunch  here later
Pd JCB. $23  9 $2 days +
         12 shots.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
60°   30.27^    63%
[[2 Thursday]]
N 6m.  V3  Fair  Ida.  75 hi
mod NE. winds  Fri fair +

62°   30.26v     86%
[[3 Friday]]
SE 7 mi  V7.  Klw, oceans
li rain.  li rain tni +
  Mrs. Sherman here to say
goodbye with Mr. Marquis
or Markus.  Covered  wkd

69°  29.91   92%
[[circled]]HOT[[/circle]]  [[4 Saturday]]
SW 12  Ov. V5  Most klw,
80 hi  Mod tr fr Z SW.
Sunday fair mod. temp.
Kleg + fine this PM. fair + Knl
Tni  Not so humid Sunday

[[written sideways in the margin]]
To Rehms for dinner with Dorothy

[[5 Sunday]]
89° to day  Wkd on Scape.
Diarrahoe  [[circled]]HOT[[/circle]]

Transcription Notes:
Believe that "Diarrahoe" on Sunday's entry is misspelling of Diarrhea British spelling of the word is: diarrhoea and he misspells this word in his 1943 diary as well.