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[[pre-printed]] Friday, January 2, 1942.
 2nd Day - 363 Days to Follow [[pre-printed]] 
56°  29.45 v  XX
Wind storm SW.  Window flew shut.
JB says pump is improving all the Time.  Pd. him $22.50
$4.50 shots in arm.
Called Mueller ab. flag torn by wind in night

[[end page]] 
[[start page]] 

[[pre-printed]] Saturday, January 3, 1942.
 3rd Day - 362 Days to Follow [[pre-printed]] 
Again finished L.I. Sound.
 Dr. Sherman here in P.M. on way back to Wash.
Looks younger-
JB here P.O.K. 
[[end page]] 

Transcription Notes:
I think the word above "p.o.k." means "blood pressure OK"