Viewing page 16 of 472

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[[start page]]
R temp [[circled]]98.6[[/circled]]
50° at noon Fair
Sent ck. to Sears
for ice box
Bill here bright
+ early  Marian
operated on for
cyst.  All right
10 AM. JB here.
to P.O. with Bill.
Dorothy + Mary Hall here
in P.M.
          Noon [[circled]]99.8[[/circled]]
          4 PM [[circled]]99.4[[/circled]]
          9  "[[ditto for: PM]] [[circled]]99.8[[/circled]]
Pill at 9
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Klw,             R Temp 10  99.2
Wind E.                 12. 98.6
                         5  98.6                        
Once over on            10  98.8
Centerport Harbor.
Mars Violet Mars Yel.
Pr. Blu-  20x28.
Coated 20x28 with
percip chalk + glue.
1 coat
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
All of R's temperature readings on Jan 24th are circled Jan 25th page appears to also have pencil writing that had been erased.