Viewing page 21 of 472

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[start page]]
10° 9AM                 XX
Fair                RT 10.30  [[circled]]98.6[[/circled]]
Drewin Square one
27x24.                (dishes)
                    RT 4.30 [[downward sign]]  [[circled]]99.4[[/circled]]
Birthday to Mary G
Sent brg Pen to 
Waterman.  Leaks at 
back end.
Capt mailed    RT 9.30PM [[circled]]98.[[/circled]]
it -
Ordered frames (5)
Braxton by tel.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
JB here  POK.   Rt   98.8
[[underlined]](wait 1 week for[[/underlined]]
[[underlined twice]]R to take pills.)[[/underlining]]
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Rt refers to Reds' temperature. Temperature readings on 2/3/42 all circled.