Viewing page 28 of 472

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39° 29.42 [[downward sign]]    XX
[[pre-printed]]Tuesday, February 17, 1942[[/pre-printed]]
                            H 47
                             Sore arm
Made more wax Em.
Yesterday n.g.
[[drawn line]]
To-day Wax 28.35
283 cc water (dist)
1 tsp 1/2 Str. Amm. stir
Seems good so far
[[drawn line]]
                 P.M. RT. 98°
[[drawn line]]
Did Doerner's later
Stirred until effervessing
It turns paper blue
but has good consistency.
I'm putting in oz of turps before 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
30.00[[downward sign]]
36° [[pre-printed]]Wednesday, February 18, 1942[[/pre-printed]]
Taxi to Hunt. with
Charlie Hall. 1.00[[00 underlined]]
He says 2.00[[00 underlined]] per hr.
Made Emulsion after
Doerner stirred until
cool.  Still turns litmus
paper blue.  Added turps
before alkali (Carb. of Amm.)
When cool mixed in
turps with 1/4 tsp + of
Damar 1:2 to bring to
4oz. [[small question mark]] (1 Noxema jar) mixes
with the tube paint perfectly
Mr Moran called ab. signing 
[[end page]]