Viewing page 51 of 472

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[start page]]
30.00 ^
[[pre-printed]] Saturday, April 4, 1942 [[pre-printed]]  [[&?]]
Letter fm Mary + Geo
1.05 Shuron. 58° at noon. 
Wrote Stieglitz ab.
mail sending special flowers for Red.
I still have cold.
[[end page]] 
[[start page]] 
30.20 ^ 
[[pre-printed]] Sunday, April 5, 1942 [[pre-printed]] [[shorthand notation]]
R Myersburg says if once
neutral wax Em.
will not go back, test
while hot.  drop by
drop.  vinegar.  
Take more Bis for cold. 
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars or the daily countdown of how many days are left in the year. We are interested in dates and handwritten entries. Thank you. quinnk Archives of American Art