Viewing page 79 of 472

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[[start page]]
               30.40v      ptl klw.
72°          [[date]]        S.W.
Freddy M. home  came
over at 9.30
12M  84°
Pads came fm Schneider
Bill fm Fez.
Walter here Freddy's
girl here.  All before
10-  Big parade
in Hunt.
2 W.C.s
Bill + Arthur turned
boat buried ducks
+ raked up.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
            30.00^      hazy
70°        [[date]]     E Wind
Turtle grabs bread now
K brot flowers
R has temp     99.8
Wkd with gum tempera
Made ointment
pads out of newspaper
+ parafin.
Köln bombed.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars or the daily countdown of how many days are left in the year. We are interested in dates and handwritten entries. Thank you. quinnk Archives of American Art