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30 30 [[falling sign]]              ptl klw.
71°     [[date]]                      S.W.
89H   [[circled]]366[[/circle]]
See June 30

Sent Henry 'Dog'
[[underlined]]R had nose drained[[/underline]]
Mrs McC sick K not coming
Pd. Milk bill to Sat last
Did Colored pencil sktc.
Half time
Rain in P.M.

[end page]

[start page]

69°            29.90            X  X
      [[date]]    [[underlined]]Rain[[/underline]]
93H   [[cirled]]364[[/circled]]  Calm

Henrys Birthday
Trying Hilers with
addition of turps before
adding ammonia -
Made sauce.
Wrote Harriet
[[underlined]]Called Stieglitz[[/underline]] -He
is inline  Phillips
to-day-   [[something erased]] 
painting down in W.
Made wxm in P.M
ad to Doerner + left it
without stirring       to pour
off in A.M. -  Too yellow
    Threw it out  [[lines drawing]]

[[crease between these two pages darkened by pencil]]
1/2 yr       

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars or the daily countdown of how many days are left in the year. We are interested in dates and handwritten entries. Thank you. quinnk Archives of American Art