Viewing page 107 of 472

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[[start page]]
71°          [[date]]     ptl klw.
86°                         calm.
Send ck to Sears.
[[underline]]did on 23[[/underline]]
Made wxm skc in 
possuli red. nap yel.
terre verte - pr. bl. + blk.
1/2 time + contrasted
color - works.
Letter frm. Paul-
   "    "    Mary + Mother
Helen B. etc.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
9.45                         ptl klw.
75°            [[date]]        Kam.
1 wxm sk             [[doodle]]
[[underline]]Tomatoes Ripe[[/underline]]
84° at 4 P.M.  wind
in East.  Apples ripe
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Mr. Dove often uses the abbreviation "wxm" (I am thinking it stands for "Wax Medium")....his w's can be easily mistaken for m's.