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37­°   29.95[[down arrow]]       rain
42                              NE

Wkd on Rain II.
With threads.
Made small painting 
5 x 7 of Blue Jays that 
flew in a tree.
Free from all motifs 
etc. Just put down 
one color after another 
Blue sky 3.30 PM.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

34°           30 85^     Klw.
41'         [[date]]      NW.

R sickish almost 
clear at 10 AM.
Forwarded letter 
to Marian
Made skts in w.c.
Dorothy here for 
Sandwiches fm
Muellers by
D liked Rain II. 
R better to-night
D went to Cora's to 
get pen but none-
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars or the daily countdown of how many days are left in the year. We are interested in dates and handwritten entries. Thank you. quinnk Archives of American Art