Viewing page 226 of 472

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36°   30.05-    fog
34'  [[Saturday]] NE;
2 T sks.  Tried half
time with mxture of the 
4 colors in depth.
K here- G to bring her some
thing tni   50° tni
Tried gilding aluminum to
card board & temps Emulsion
Sun thickened oil    "

 40°    30.40^    ptl klw.
30'  [[Sunday]]    N.
1 WC 1 T sk.          [[light pencil doodle]]
Crocus up.  Betty buried
stuff + put gravel on walk
Dorothy called coming 
Wed.                    XX
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
32°       30.30^    klw.
30'                  NE.
Ida paid box rent
Wkd on Roof Tops.
R to Hunt.
Ord shears + girdle
fm Sears.
Letter fm Dottie
Has painting.
[[end page]]