Viewing page 273 of 472

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63°    30.11^   ptl klw
84'              N.
Letter fm Jake
Stuff fm Schneider
Aureolin - Cards
Rs thumb about
well-  Pd. Ida
1 WXM with Gray
color [[underlined]]grad.[[/underline]]
2 BBB.s
1 WXM.  full.
Called Julia
Close harmony in 
choice of motif.
[[line erased]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
65°    30.15^   Rain
82'             Calm
2 WXMs.  close-
Crayon skcs in 
Mrs M here in PM.
Ida to Court
E's sister pursuing
I with note fm E -
Sued for divorce
in P.M.
[[end page]]