Viewing page 274 of 472

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68°   30.10^  [[underlined]]fog[[/underlined]]
86'   [[Saturday]]          calm
Went over Stump +
Roses 24x32 in WXM
Dorothy called-
came for diner with 
Mary.  brot stuff
Invasion of Sicily

9AM    30.20^  klw,
74°             S.
  Went over St. + Rose
again.  Repainted 
Small one with temp
white  R not well.
Called Aline.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
73°    31.00^    ptl klw.
90'               Calm,
Letter fm Aline.  Swell.
wkd on WXM skcs.
K here.  Washed windows
A Coming with her
mother next Sunday
[[underlined]]  Wrote Inie
Tried Brooksie. [[/underline]]
Inie in Hospital
Letter fm Brooksie
[[end page]]