Viewing page 403 of 472

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42°     30.50^  plt
37'              klw,

44°  9PM
Letter from Pearl F's
daughter wants to 
come out
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 
45        30.65^       Kle.
38'   [[Saturday]]     Sli N.
1 WX G. with white
used as glaze etc
rick here.  Gave
Polizzli gal. $1 to Come
Tues. PM for windows
R did not come with
mail.  R painted
row boat bottom coat
white lead + turps.

40°    30.50^    hazy
38'   [[Sunday]]    Kam.
2 PM. 76.  Made
Ink sktcs.  Wasps
thick  330  77°
MAX called  They
have a baby 