Viewing page 434 of 472

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[[start page]]
[[pre-printed]] Friday, July 14, 1944 [[pre-printed]]
Paid Garbage man to July 1st.  1.25
                               + 25
Ks mother and Stanley took table in door way.  Large drop leaf table 
Myersburg here with Annie 
had fallen 
Gave him check [[underlined]] 6 [[underlined 34.
Klauser here with meat.
Tried small gouache 
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
12         30.20
76° [[pre-printed]] Saturday, July 15, 1944 [[pre-printed]] 
82 at noon. 
W. Rep Ptly klw, 
warmer + humid
Dorothy + Dr. 
Kurshan both here
She was "glad to see 
me so well-"

[[pre-printed]] Sunday, July 16, 1944 [[pre-printed]]
[[blank space]]
[[end page]]