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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
247952L13 00+30.017 054 05 W+30.018 05Jul 26 1909.855, .731, .586
247953L18 000.018 060 06 W0.019 06Jul 26 1909.773, .628
247954L15 00+60.019 074 07 W+60.020 07Jul 26 1909.815, .670
247955L17 00+30.020 083 08 W+30.021 10Jul 26 1909.853, .708
247956L20 000.021 141 14 W0.022 15Jul 26 1909.903, .758
247957L23 00+30.022 170 43 E+30.023 17Jul 26 1909.947, .802