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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
249118L13 00+30.017 404 40 W+30.018 45Aug 12 1910.809, .756, .565
249119L17 00+30.018 521 52 W+30.019 52Aug 12 1910.805, .614
249120L20 000.019 550 05 E0.020 54Aug 12 1910.848, .657
249121L18 00+60.020 592 59 W+60.022 21Aug 12 1910.900, .709 x 9121 Dew on lens at close of exposure.
249122L22 000.022 420 42 W0.023 57Aug 12 1910.969, .778 x 9122 Dew on lens at close of exposure.
249123L2 000.00 361 24 E0.01 21Aug 12 1910.803, .040, .846 x Dawn getting too bright to continue.

Transcription Notes:
Calculations for each of the numbers in miscellaneous section below data.