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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
17010580L4 000.04 180 18 W0.05 18Feb 08 1912.316 .199 .515
17010581L3 00+60.05 182 18 W+60.06 18Feb 08 1912.241 .557
17010582L6 00+90.06 190 19 W+90.07 24Feb 08 1912.285 .601
17010583L9 00+30.07 250 25 W+30.08 25Feb 08 1912.329 .645
17010584L8 000.08 260 26 W0.09 26Feb 08 1912.371 .687
17010585L9 00+30.09 270 27 W+30.010 28Feb 08 1912.413 .729
17010586L10 000.010 290 29 W0.011 33Feb 08 1912.458 .774
17010587L9 00+60.011 342 34 W+60.012 37Feb 08 1912.503 .819
17010588L11 00+30.012 381 38 W+30.013 30Feb 08 1912.543 .859
17010589L12 00+60.013 311 31 W+60.014 31Feb 08 1912.582 .898
17010590L15 00+30.014 320 28 E+30.015 32Feb 08 1912.625 .941