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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
18010634L4 000.04 370 37 W0.05 19Feb 14 1912.299 .206 .505
18010635L5 00+30.05 200 20 W+30.06 16Feb 14 1912.241 .540
18010636L6 00+60.06 160 16 W+60.07 19Feb 14 1912.282 .581
18010637L7 00+30.07 190 19 W+30.08 00Feb 14 1912.318 .617
18010638L8 000.08 010 01 W0.09 10Feb 14 1912.357 .656
18010639L9 00+30.09 100 10 W+30.010 13Feb 14 1912.402 .701
18010640L10 000.010 140 14 W0.011 14Feb 14 1912.446 .745
18010641L11 00+30.011 150 15 W+30.012 15Feb 14 1912.488 .787
18010642L12 00+60.012 160 16 W+60.013 16Feb 14 1912.530 .829
18010643L13 00+30.013 170 17 W+30.014 19Feb 14 1912.573 .872
18010644L17 00+30.014 202 40 E+30.015 30Feb 14 1912.620 .919