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Friday 11 Oct have letter from Carol saying she is sick with Influenza.  Decide to go to Waterbury to look after her.  Find her in bed with slight fever  Jerome also. but Teresa running around the floor and grown big.  Annie is just getting the grip herself & her daughter Caroline has it and that was the beginning of it at the house.  Fred tells me of the Groville place & I go down to see Fogarty but F is out with grip till Monday.  So I return Saturday 12th    near 11 to tell Carol best I can do is go to New York and resume my work there.  She thinks ill of idea till her grandmother says she thinks it best.  So I get 12 Trolly to New Haven  find that Erns wife nearly died of grip during the week - He & Annie Sp. have been up night & day but now Lily seems much better.  Mother worried and very thin, and wants Ern to send for Annie S. as Gerties little ones are now better.  Off at 8.08 for New York. Arrives at 10:30 and find Nan down with Influenza.

Sunday 13 Oct waked early to hear that a man is waiting to see me. Send Tom to find his name and he says Jos Kress.  So have K wait till noon when we go on to NY with idea of seeing Luks but subway is so messed up that we decide to get out at 43rd St.  [[strikethrough]] He [/strikethrough]] K is broke & so am I so we cast about to see where us can stir up something.  He lights on a [[baker?]]

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who knows the family over on 2nd Ave.  Leaves his coat there & we walk down to Higgins place & don't find him.  
Meldhus *has a big canvas* with a Highland piper & highland drummer standing full length playing.  In the other Knoedler window Blashfield's big stiff academic "Carry On" Alphaeus Cole has a portrait of an officer.  Ledyard Towle has a queer flat thing.  Jonas Lie a wild "In the Dawns early light"  battle field with airplanes.
In Afternoon. 8425 Columbus.
   Amy Londoner.
for [[Editor?]]
Dec 1 Babcocks

[[Seventy?] 3rd St.
Blond Man
The Builders
Valley of Dried Fish

Monday 14 Oct
[[Get over on?]] Marie Apel & get photos of her heads for article for Nelson.  Found one of her soldier models there.  She asks me to come and paint him as he's going off to fight and she wants to get the movement of his figure from my picture of him.  Have some tea with them. 

Tuesday 5 Oct. call on Theresa Bernstein to [[argue?]] for the "eclectics."  Decide as Miss Oliver & Amy Londoner have lunch with 73 & find her busy with war crowds in front of the

Transcription Notes:
Here is the Wiki link for Alphaeus Cole: Ledyard Towle = H. Ledyard Towle (1890-1973) Here is the Wiki entry for Theresa Bernstein: